Scholarship FAQs

  1. Do students need scholarships?

    当然,许多特拉华理工学院的学生每年都需要学院的经济援助. 虽然大部分援助来自州和联邦政府的支持, the Foundation, through its numerous scholarship accounts, provides substantial financial aid assistance to students collegewide. 奖学金可以用来帮助支付学费、杂费、书本费等. 他们也可以帮助有其他特殊需求的学生,如交通、儿童保育和住房. 这些学生中的许多人都是忙碌的父母,他们试图通过教育改善家庭生活.

  2. What is the cost to attend Delaware Tech?

    Tuition and fees for a full time in-state student are approximately $2,330/semester. Books and supplies average an additional $750/semester. Tuition for an out-of-state student is 2 1/2 times the in-state rate.

  3. How does a student or potential student apply for the scholarships?

    学生可以通过联系学校财政援助办公室申请奖学金. 可用的奖学金在财政援助办公室的网页和奖学金小册子中列出.

  4. How are scholarship recipients awarded?

    奖学金获得者由奖学金委员会根据既定标准确定. 颁发奖学金的标准可以包括经济需要等条件, academic achievement, or potential, community service and leadership, pursuit of a particular course of study, residence within a particular locale. 该委员会擅长“包装”学生可能获得的各种类型的经济援助,以帮助满足他们不同的经济需求. 美国国税局的规定禁止受助人被捐赠者选中或提前确定身份.

  5. How much does it cost to set up an endowed named scholarship?

    Gifts of $25,000有资格被维持为基金会的永久奖学金捐赠基金,该基金可根据捐赠者的意愿命名.

  6. Can donors set the criteria for an endowed scholarship?

    创建奖学金捐赠的捐赠者可以指定奖学金颁发的标准. 捐献人及/或个人(或家庭)可在年度报告及捐献人致敬手册中获得表彰. 可根据捐赠者的要求制作一份打印的传单,以纪念指定的奖学金帐户(传单将分发给奖学金获得者)。.

  7. How much would be awarded to the students if it is an endowed scholarship?

    所有捐赠奖学金将与基金会捐赠账户的资产混合,以获得最大的投资回报. As an example, 平均25美元的捐赠奖学金投资回报率为5%,000 would generate $1,250 per year, 希望通过谨慎的投资或额外的贡献,本金会增加.

  8. 在首次捐款后,我可以继续增加奖学金捐赠吗?

    Once an endowed account is established, 该帐户可以通过各种来源接受捐款,包括个人捐赠, the Employee Giving Campaign, and the Annual Giving Campaign.

  9. How will I know how much my scholarship donation has grown?

    每笔奖学金捐赠都有单独的账目,学院每年向捐赠者提供一份显示投资收入的账目报表, scholarship fund distributions, fees and any additional deposits that were made to the scholarship account.

  10. Can I donate the $25,000 over time?

    25,000美元的最低捐赠额可以通过在长达四年的时间内捐赠来实现. 这一安排必须以捐助者签署的认捐协议正式确定. If the minimum is not achieved within four years, 任何剩余余额将转入无限制奖学金账户. 如果捐赠者希望在四年以上的时间内逐步建立捐赠,并事先得到基金会主席的批准,则可以例外. 如果奖学金捐赠者希望立即开始分发给学生, but have not yet contributed the minimum $25,000 required for an endowment fund, 一个非捐赠奖学金账户可以创建长达四年,使分配至少1美元,250 per year to be made for students.

  11. What if I wish to make a donation that is less than $25,000?

    而基金会则强调捐赠金额至少为25美元,000 which provide sustainable income, it also accepts smaller gifts for scholarship purposes.

    For scholarship gifts between $5,000 and $25,000, 捐献人及其个人(或家庭)将在其年度报告中予以表彰, donor wall, in the donor tribute brochure, etc. Donors may specify criteria for their scholarship.

    将为指定目的设立非捐赠奖学金账户. After four years, 任何剩余余额将按照《十大正规赌博平台大全》中规定的条款转入无限制奖学金捐赠账户. 在基金会社长事先批准的情况下,如果实现预定目的需要较长的时间,则可以例外. 在此期间的任何时候,捐赠者可以选择将其帐户转换为永久奖学金捐赠,将本金增加到25美元,000 or above.

  12. What if I want to make a donation of less than $5000?

    Gifts less than $5,非指定用途或帐户的奖学金将存入非捐赠普通奖学金基金. You can also donate any amount to an existing fund account.

  13. Can I designate which Delaware Tech Campus receives the scholarship?

    Yes! Scholarships can be campus-specific.

  14. What do I receive?

    你会因为帮助学生追求他们的教育目标而获得满足感,而且你的捐款是免税的. 设立捐赠奖学金的捐赠人将收到一份基金活动和奖学金支付的年度报告.

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